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Now a days obesity is big problem of our society. People are not aware about adverse effects of overweight on there health . in Ayurveda Obesity is Called as sthoulya, is responcible for various disorders like Diabetes, Arthritis ,high blood pressure, heart disease, skin disease , infertility, endocrinal disorders.  Hence it is important to treat obesity to avoid theses complication in future , Yoga can helap to reduce your obesity.

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YOGA MUDRA ( Symbol of Yoga)


1) Sit in Sukhasana or padmasana.
2) Hold right wrist with left hand behind back.
3) Sit straight inhale 3 seconds pulling the shoulder back.
4) While exhaling 3 seconds twist torso touch left knee with forehead , suspend breath for 6 seconds.
5) Return while inhaling 3 seconds , pulling shoulders back .
6) Repeat on right side and then centre.


1) Muscular pains cervical and lower back pain.
2) Ankylosing spondylitis.
3) Chronic phases of lumbar and cervical spondylosis.

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