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1) Sit in Padmasana.

2) Now come in Namsakar Mudra, i.e Join the palms, press on each other and both elbows should be in one line.

3) Raise both the hands up over the head, upper arm should be touches to ear, hands should be straight.

4) Neck, Spine should be straight.

5) Breath slow and deep.





 If we breath deep in this asan then lungs capacity is inceases, abdomen and spine become strong and healthy.



1)      Sit with the legs stretched out.

2)      Bend left leg & place near right knee, in a such way that ankle joint of  left leg is in the level of right knee.

3)      Raise both hand in the level of shoulder, then turn towards left side place left hand on the ground behind spine as possible or one can place it near left hip.

4)      Twist the spine, press the left knee with elbow of right hand and hold the left ankle.

5)      Turn neck back.



1)      Strengthens and increases flexibility of spine muscles specially loins. 

      2)      Due to twisting abdominal organ gets massage and increases there function, especially pancreas, lever, and intestines. Useful for diabetes, indigestion, constipation.

      3)      Help to remove abdominal fat.


Ardh Pawanmuktasan

1)    Lie on the back. Hands together heals of the legs together.

2)      Bend the right knee towards stomach &hold knee with both the palms.

3)      Try to give pressure on the abdominal wall with thigh. Concentration is on hip joint feel the stretching of hip joint . opposite leg should be straight.

4)      While doing for backache don’t raise head above the ground.

5)      Remain in this asan for 30sec to 1 min with slow & rhythmic breathing.

    6)      Then slowly relax & repeat it with other leg.



     1)      This asan gives movement to hip joint which is not so common in day to day activity, so increases flexibility to hip muscle and relives back pain.

     2)      This asana also cures gastric troubles ,constipation, indigestion.


Ardha Shalabhasana

1)      Shalabh means loctus. In this position only one les is to be raised.

2)      Lie down on the stomach with face down, chin touches to the ground.

3)      Stretch both arms beside the body and clench the fists, (the hand can also place under the the thighs in Purna Shalabhasan)

4)      Concentrate on left leg & its muscle , pull the body and raise left leg as high as possible with knee should be straight .

 5)      Stretch the soles of the feet towards back. Hold this position as much as you can and slowly bring down. Repeat this with right leg .


Advantages :


       1)      This asan gives backward bending to the spine , reduces lumbar pain ,back pain.

       2)      Remove excessive fat around knees ,thighs waist and abdomen.



1)      Lie in the floor face downwards, keep both the hands on each other, forehead on the hand.

2)      Now place chin on hand. Press both hand on the floor & raise the trunk up, make both elbow straight.

3)      Stay in this position, for about 20 to 30 sec.

4)      While coming down bend the elbows and rest the trunk on floor forehead on the hand.

5)      Reapeat the same for 2 more times.



1)      This is excellent for backche, sciatica, slip disc patients & disease in lumbar region.

2)      Spinal muscles gets maximum benefits.

3)      Neck extended fully, so thyroid gland, cervical spine gets benefited.

4)      Abdominal fat reduces.

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          There is minimal different in Sarpasana and Bhujangasan. In sarpasan we uses support of our hand to raise the trunk but in bhujangasana we have to use our back muscles for lifting trunk. There are some variation for this Asana. Lets see.

1)      Lie on the stomach, feet together.

2)      Place the palm on the ground in level of shoulders, elbow touches to the chest.

3)      Press the palm on the floor , raise the head and trunk.

    4)      As soon as you raise your trunk lift both hands from ground, hold trunk up. Stretch feet backwards so that toes touch the ground. Stay in this asan about 5 to 10 sec.

    5)      Slowly bring head ,trunk down to initial position.



    1)      This asan gives strength to Spinal muscle, cures spinal pain (lumbar ,cervical, spondylosis) , &other spine disorders( sciatica, Slip disc)

    2)      Remove disorders related to menstruation, stimulates blood circulation in uterus,ovary.

    3)      This asana increases the efficiency of lungs. 


Niralambasan and Variation

       1) Lie down on stomach.

       2) Stretch the hands up over head, with both upper arm touches to the ear. Forehead touches to ground.  Stretch   

           both hands up from shoulder as possible.

      3)Now bend the elbow, raise the head up & keep the chin on the both palm. At this time try to keep elbow in forward direction.

            4)      Stay in this position for about 2 to 3 min. as time increases traction will be applied to the cervical region. and this give excellent result. 

            5)      Bend both knee. stretch toes up. Slowly do this movement of knee up and down for about 5 times.

            6)      Now slowly come in initial position.



            1)      This asana give traction to cervical region ,useful in cervical spondilosis, neck pain.

            2)      Increases blood circulation around neck area, helpful in hypo or hyperthyroid patients.

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Setu bandhasana

1)      Lie on the back bend both the knees.

2)      Hold the both ankles with respective hands firmly if possible. Or you can place palm near hip.

3)      Raise hip ,thighs upward. Try to touch your chest to chin.

4)      Keep the back of the head ,neck & shoulder on the floor. Don’t raise heals, both feet should be touches to the ground.

5)      Hold this position fro 10 -30 sec as possible & the slowly relax.

6)      Please note that patients suffering from cervical pain or disease do not try this asan.



1)      Exercise to back muscle, shoulder, neck. Makes spine flexible. And with practice this asan one can easily perform bhujangasan, sarpasan.

2)      Help to reduce abdominal fat.

3)      Helpful in thyroid disease.



1)      Lie on stomach,face downward.

2)      Bend the legs at knees, raise arms back & hold the ankle with hands. Maintaine this position for few sec, concentrate on back muscles.

3)      Slowly raise chest ,head up & try to lift the thighs from the ground, now body is like convex arch (bow) hence called as Dhanurarasan (Dhanura Means Bow), stay in this position for 5-10sec.

4)      Slowly come back.



1)      Reduced fat over abdomen, cures constipation, dyspepsia & gastric troubles.

2)      Gives strength to back muscles, rejuvenates the whole spine. Correct minor deformities of spine.

3)      But it should be done under guidance atleast for first few days. 



1)      Initial asan for Ushtrasan is Vajrasan.

2)      Keep  both knees and heels in line with shoulder.

3)      Now slowly raise your hands from front in line with shoulder, inhale move right hand back and hold right ankle, then lt hand to hold left hand.

4)      Try to keep waist and knees are in one line, knees are in 90 degree.

5)      Extend your neck back.

6)      Stay in this position, this is Ushtrasan.



1)      This asana help to develop elasticity of rib cage, beneficial for Asthama.

2)      Relives pain in neck, shoulder, Helpful for increase elasticity of shoulder joint and neck region.

3)      Maintain elasticity of spine, increases strength of paraspinal muscles.

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