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TRATAKA( Purification Of Eyes / Concentrated Gazing)

The word trataka originated from 'Tra' which literally means to release. This kriya is performed for cleansing and strengthening the eyes.  In this kriya , eyes are usually focused on a selected object which can be the flame of a lamp or a burning candle . The gazing on the selected object is done without a portrait of Ishtadeva or even imagining Ishtadeva in the mind's eye. Looking intently with an unwavering gaze at a small point until tears start rolling down is known as Trataka by the acaryas. Here swatmarama instructs to gaze at a small point or suksmalaksyam (subtle object). 

   In the practice of Trataka an object is gazed at; the object which ever you select is placed at eye level . yoga tradition recommend flame of an earthen lamp ,using cow butter as source of light every. It is also called as jyotitrataka.


  1.     Place a burning candle  or the lighted earthen lamp at eye level at a distance of 1.5  yards or 4.5 ft. From the eyes. 


  1.    Sit in  any meditative pose (siddhasana or padmasana ) in a dark room with head, neck and back erect. Close the eyes.

  2.  Open the eyes and gaze at the flame (jyoti) of a burning candle  or a lighted earthen lamp with both eyes wide open till they get tired or tears come outside; now close the eyes and relax.

  3.   Repeat this exercise 3 to 4 times till one is able to fix the gaze for 10 or 15 minutes without bunking . If the object is found surrounded by many minor lights, the gaze must not be deflected from the central spot. The practice is considered successful when nothing except the light at which eyes are fixed is seen, Close the eyes .

  4.   Keep the  closed eyes fixed at the image/impression of the flame in front the eyes. Complete mastery will come only when it is felt that the glow of the light illuminates its own being . 

  5.  This kriya should be practised under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher.

  6.  The practice of the Trataka technique results in to Sambhavimudra.


                            The object of gazing can be a small painted dot / circle of the size of a twenty five paisa coin or one rupee coin on a piece of white paper . 

  1.   The place selected for this kriya should be a dark room , clam and quiet

  2. Persons having glaucoma or chronic eye disorders should seek medical advice before practising it.

  3. The flame. Should  be still and should not flicker at all. 


       According to Hathayogapradipika, Trataka eradicates all eye diseases, fatigue and sloth and close the doorway of these kinds of problems. It should be carefully kept secret like a golden casket.


  The Benefits From This Practice Are:

  1.   The eyes became clear  and bright.

  2.    It is useful in the treatment of diseases of the eyes. 

  3.   It removes drowsiness. 

  4.   It develops spiritual powers and helps mental faculties to develop. 

  5.   It illuminates the inward light. 

  6.   It affects the ajnacakra and begins to bring positive changes in the perception of all psychosomatic realms.

  7.   It improves memory and concentration.



         In Trataka , an unchanging/unwavering object is constantly focused upon. As a result, brain becomes 'habituated' and stops registering that object indicating diminished visual attention to the external world. 


  The 'habituation ' increases  alpha waves -a sing of relaxed state of the brain . In  this state , certain areas of the brain stop working and mental processes are suspended , thus the brain gets must needed rest.

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