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(Abdominal Massaging/Rotating the Recti Muscles)


Nouli is unique technique in yoga, which is isolation & manipulation of abdominal rectus muscles. It is helpful in diabetes,Indigestion, Constipation, Endocrine disorders, Improves liver & kidney function,Increases tone of abdominal muscles , reduces fat over abdomen. Yogacharya Dr.Nilesh Mahajan is Master in Nouli kriya. nouli can be done in standing & sitting position.

   The word 'Nauli' might have come from the root word 'Nala' which means navel string or recurs abdominis muscles. Nauli is a practice of contraction and isolation the rectus abdominis muscles. In the Gherandasamhita it is known as Lauliki. Ancient text Hathayogapradipika defines this practice as:

     अमन्दावर्तवेगेन तुन्दं सव्यापसव्यतः।
      नतांसोभ्रामयेदेषा नौलिः सिध्दैः प्रचक्ष्यते।। 

   Lean forward, protrude the abdomen and rotate ( the muscles) from right to left with speed . This is called Nauli by the siddha-s.


1) Stand erect with feet apart having a distance of about one and a half feet , hands by the side of thighs . Inhale deeply.
2) Bend forward and palace the hands above the respective knees.
3) Exhale completely; pull the abdomen in by performing Us dit an abandon forcing the rectus abdominis pulled upwards so that they from a central arch running vertically in front of the abdomen.
4) Release Uddiyanabandha; stand up and inhale slowly.
5) Repeat the practice. Repeated attempts will at last be crowned with success and the rectus  and on in is will stand out.
6) While doing this exercise, one can look at the abdomen to seehow far he/ she has succeeded in his / her attempt.
7) Don't feel discouraged on failure at the initial stage. After ten or twelve day's practice, one will be able to control the rectus abdominis.
8) Those who do  this particular exercise should take gruel or rice pudding after they do it.

There are three variation of Nauli practice:
1) Madhyanauli ( Middle Rotation)
2) Daksinanauli (Right Rotation), 
3) Vamanauli (Left Rotation)

  All of the above three practice require proficiency in Uddiyanabandha with the ability to hold external breath retention  ( Bahyakumbhaka ) for some time.

3.5.1. Madhyanauli (Middle Rotation)
 Perform Uddiyanabandha then contract the rectus abdominal muscles so that they from a central arch running vertically in the front of the abdomen. Repeat the practice with Uddiyanabandha.

3.5.2. Daksinanauli (Right Rotation)
Perform Madhyamnauli , then isolate the right side of the rectus abdominis and contract as strongly as possible without straining; return to Madhyamanauli. 

Daksinanauli becomes easier if you lift the hand from the knee and keep all the pressure on right hand knee. This will automatically isolate the  rectus abdominis muscles on the right side. 

3.5.3. Vamanauli (Left Rotation)
Perform Madhyamanauli then isolate the left side of the rectus abdomini and contract as strongly as possible without straining; return to Madhyamanauli

 Vamanauli becomes easier if you lift the right hand from the right knee and keep all the pressure on left hand knee. This will automatically isolate the rectus abdomini muscles on the left side.
After  the above has been mastered , abdominal rotation (' churning') can be  achieved by rolling from Vama to Daksina and Daksina to Vama gradually working up to several consecutive rotation.


1) Those suffering from heart disease, hernia , hyper tension gastric or duodenal ulcers (and during pregnancy ) should not practice it . people recovering from internal injury or surgery of the abdomen also should not perform it.

2) The practice should be discontinued immediately if pain is felt in the abdomen during practice.  


According to Hathayogapradipika, it is the foremost among the Hathayoga practice. It kindles the digestive fire, removing indigestion, sluggish digestion, all disorders of the Rosa , and brings about happiness.

  मन्दाग्निसंदीपन पाचनादिसंधायिकानन्दकरी सदैव।
  अशेषदोषामयशोषणी च हठक्रियामौलिरियं च नौलिः।। ह. प्र.2/34


1) The rolling, rotation and agitation of the entire abdomen during Nauli gives deep massage and profound toning to all the abdominal muscles and organs.
2) It generates heat in body and stimulates digestive fire.
3) It balance the endocrine function; regulate , hormones and brings about positive changes in emotional States.
4) It is useful for reducing constipation , acidity, flatulence, lethargy and diabetes, sexual and urinary disorder.

On an esoteric level , Nauli has a profound effect on pranamaya kosa and Manomaya kosa ; develops mental clarity ; and increases the store- house of prana in Manipurcakra.

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